How to make basic drum beats and loops
How to make basic drum beats and loops

In most DAW’s we’re able to access their swing options which move audio and midi by set amounts. Try moving your hats both late and early and see how the different degrees of movement affect the vibe. By moving your elements off the grid, both early and late allows us to replicate the feel of a human performance. In producing Lo-Fi Hip-Hop the use of swing is crucial in getting your beats to move.

how to make basic drum beats and loops

You can really get stuck into the different saturation options, chorus, EQ and especially the noise section. This thing offers us that final touch of Lo-Fi goodness and ties everything together. Nothing screams Lo-Fi like the amazing VHS player by Native Instruments.

how to make basic drum beats and loops

Love Lo-Fi?! Explore All Our Collections HERE!! We then used Abletons ‘Convert To New MIDI track’ feature to give us control over each individual slice. Take your vinyl sample and add some gain. Clicks and pops anyone? Here’s one we made earlier –ġ.

how to make basic drum beats and loops

Remember this loop can also be side chained, chopped and edited to create cool little percussion lines as well. Layering vinyl sample sounds over the top of your beats can add depth and instant character to any drum loop. We went into detail about a few more Lo-Fi options in our Lo-Fi blog last year so be sure to check that out. We’re really looking to tug on the heart strings of nostalgia here so vinyl crackle, tape hiss and location recordings are your friend. Tip: A little touch of Ableton’s Redux can have amazing effects on your single samples. Old samplers & MPC’s from the 90’s often sampled at low rates like 12 & 16bit meaning frequencies were chopped off, especially from the top end giving it that characteristic Lo-Fi grit.

how to make basic drum beats and loops

The kind of aesthetic we’re looking for us that dusty, low sample rate that’s gritty in tone but still maintaining lots of weight and attack. Why not browse our Lo-Fi sample packs and get started today.

How to make basic drum beats and loops